Paris Greeter Walk - The Islands
The meeting place was Pont Marie Metro Station, Alain was waiting and after Alain explained where we were going and some of the history we headed off. We were going to explore Ile Saint-Louis one of the most expensive areas to live in Paris. Strolling through we passed many heritage plaques and grand doorways that hid courtyards. We also came across the Bakery school and the story of Heloise and Abelard - the french Romeo and Juliette as Alain explained it to me. Turning a corner there right on the sidewalk a petrol pump? It was explained that because of the crowded conditions they don't have petrol stations like ours and it was out front of a garage - mechanic's store. We wandered through narrow cobbled streets and past small shops and cafe's. This is the smaller of the islands and one resident has never left in over 30+ years as everything needed is right here. Dolphin Down pipe Grand Doorway and Dolphin Down pipe Now that'...