I am Sister Four

I can't believe how quickly I finished this BJP page for March, but to be honest, there are not too many beads on this page. I decided some time ago that I would do a page to honor my 'Sisterhood'.
I am the youngest of four girls, we are all so very different but at the same time so much alike. We are also in alphabetical order, yes we are!
The eldest is A - Aileen, next is B - Barbara, then C - Carolyn and me D - Dinah.

I don't believe that Mum and Dad planned this but by the time I was born I think it was a given that whether boy or girl I'd be a D.

We don't see each other all that often these days, as we live in different parts of the state - NSW Australia - but are in touch often via telephone or email.
This depicts how we are connected by a chain (Daisy) of genes.

I am also in the sister(and brother)hood of beading and I cannot tell you how much support I have received from my fellow beaders. The other members of the BJP 2007 group, who are going through this journey with me, and another group here in Australia, all the girls at the Paradise Bead Forum.

To see this one and all my BJP pages and everyone elses, go to http://www.flickr.com/groups/2007_bead_journal_project


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